Neon Color Acrylic Tumble Tower Jenga Set, Options
The Acrylic Tumble Tower Jenga Set is a great family game and adds modern color to any contemporary game room decor. This Jenga set, made of transparent color acrylic, assures long-lasting quality. The rich Lucite color adds to its modern design making it the perfect modern game to keep on display. In bright yellow, this Lucite tumble tower comes with a clear acrylic case.
Color acrylic in clear case
Colors: Red, Neon Yellow, White and Navy
Dimensions: 3"square x 11"h
The Acrylic Tumble Tower Jenga Set is a great family game and adds modern color to any contemporary game room decor. This Jenga set, made of transparent color acrylic, assures long-lasting quality. The rich Lucite color adds to its modern design making it the perfect modern game to keep on display. In bright yellow, this Lucite tumble tower comes with a clear acrylic case.
Color acrylic in clear case
Colors: Red, Neon Yellow, White and Navy
Dimensions: 3"square x 11"h