Clear Modern Pet Gates, Crates and Cages
Gates and crates, typically made from wood or metal
have been replaced by the brilliance and clarity of clear acrylic! We have designed functional, easy to move, sturdy clear acrylic gates that keep your pet where you want them while giving them a clear, calming view to the other side. Truly a win-win! When it comes to Pet Crates, there is simply nothing on the market like our Clear Acrylic Pet Crate, available in 2 sizes. With your choice of brass or chrome latch, this chic, totally clear Acrylic Dog crate is revolutionary. No more prison like metal dog crates because Clear Home Design has designed and patented a modern pet crate constructed in the highest quality clear Lucite. With horizontal air slits on the side and a solid top, this pet crate can also be a sophisticated side or end table. Just like a clear Lucite modern side table, you will never want to hide this sophisticated pet crate. And if all that is not enough our clear acrylic dog crate breaks down and the walls of the crate can be used as a clear Lucite pet gate or barrier. Three incredible pet items all in one design, we challenge you to find anything on the market with that much form and function.

The Clear Acrylic Zig Zag Pet Gate, a freestanding clear Lucite pet barrier that can be placed in any doorway or entry, is the most modern pet gate. This is the Lucite pet gate that launched our other clear acrylic, modern items. The Zig Zag Lucite gate is a best seller because of it's flexible sizing. For openings 58" or less, our 4 panel zig zag gate suits standard size openings. Have a larger opening, then try our 6 or 8 panel zig zag and if all that isn't enough, you can custom your acrylic Zig Zag in any number of panels you require. An alternative for openings 36" or less, try our Clear View Acrylic Dog Gate. With a solid, thick Lucite panel that slides into a sturdy acrylic stand, this clean panel pet gate is so modern.
If your pet happens to be a bird, then you will not believe the sophisticated table top or floor standing Modern Lucite Clear View Bird Cage we have found. With a chic metal frame and clear acrylic window panes, our birdcage is unlike any other. This modern, architecturally linear bird cage adds a rich element to any room you want your bird to be in.